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Yes I do sell real estate at around Los Angeles....

How to Makeover Your Closet on a Budget - YouTube....

Beverly Hills Flats 90210 Real Estate Market update January 2014 & driving tour homes for sale. - YouTube....

There Is No Place Like Home Sweet Home 117 Inspiration can come from many places. Sometimes it happens when you least expect it. Recently on a business trip to Loui...

Tune in Thursday January 16, 2014 at 7:00 AM e/p HGTV Get an all access pass to Christophe helping major clients upgrade to a larger Bel Air Estate and sell their existing h...

I am so thankful everyday and especially this holiday season to have such a supportive circle of friends. My fundraising goal to help get homeless youth off the streets for the Cov...

▶ Tonight is the sleep out on the streets to support homeless youth at Covenant House California. - YouTube....

Covenant House Sleep Out To Support Homeless Youth ▶ Help me support homeless youth this Thanksgiving for Covenant House California. - YouTube.   Help me s...

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