It’s a perfect pool 🏊🏻 day in Beverly Hills 90210 with a forecast of 82 degrees 🌞at The Summit Villa in the guard gated community of The Summit Beverly Hills is the perfect spot for your pool parties.
By Christophe Choo Posted Jun 14, 2018 Beverly Hills, Featured, Featured Listings, Latest Updates, Market Activity, My listings
It’s a perfect pool 🏊🏻 day in Beverly Hills 90210 with a forecast of 82 degrees
🌞 The Summit Villa in the guard gated community of The Summit Beverly Hills is the perfect spot for your pool parties. Listed at $6 million.
#thesummitbeverlyhills #thesummitvilla#beverlyhills #beverlyhillsvilla #realestate#gatedcommunity #guardgated #familyroom#90210 #homeforsale #wantchoo #iwantchoo#christophechoo #choo #hirechoo #choosechoo#listwithchoo #sellwithchoo #buywithchoo — at The Summit Above Beverly Hills.